1 Day Travel Safety Workshop

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Date(s) - 02/09/2019
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health


One Day Travel Safety Workshop


Location: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, WC1X 8SH, London


1 – Introduction – Overview of the risks to travellers, why you are at risk and steps to take to lower your profile and avoid unwanted attention.

Learning outcome: On completion of the module the delegate will be able to –

  1. Identify the situations, during travel when they are most vulnerable.
  2. Understand the importance of cultural sensitivity.
  3. Appreciate the importance of giving yourself time to acclimatise.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for lowering your profile.


2 – Situation Awareness Personal conflict management, body language.

  1. Understand some different approaches to avoiding conflict/confrontation.
  2. Appreciate the effect that your posture/demeanour has on those around you.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of several incidents where it’s gone wrong.


3 – Pre-trip planningResearch / Documentation / Equipment.  We look at the steps you can take to reduce the impact of incidents, such as being robbed, losing your passport, and arriving at the Embassy with just your shirt.

  1. Select a list of useful research topics
  2. Compile a detailed list of essential documentation to take with you.
  3. Identify what equipment to take and what unnecessary kit to leave behind.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of steps to take to avoid and actions to be taken after an incident.


4 – Personal SecurityArriving at your destination / transiting to your hotel or guest house / Out on the town.  We look at all the possible vulnerable points that thieves and conmen will concentrate on to relieve new arrivals of their belongings.

  1. Deal calmly with a variety of unplanned for situations that often arise.
  2. Understand the considerable difference between standards of road safety.
  3. House themselves safely in a hotel or guest house with a variety of techniques.
  4. Foresee and avoid some common troublesome occurrences whilst overseas.


To book, contact Rupert Godesen

Office: +44 (0)203 4750344

Mobile: +44(0)7884001600

[email protected]

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