Welcome to SheTravel

The modern world has transformed the way in which we work and travel. Business and leisure trips have taken us to destinations where the culture and traditions differ from our own, sometimes to remote locations which carry higher risk to personal safety. The key to safe travel is knowledge of the destination, maintaining situational awareness and understanding the environment.

That is why SheTravel decided to bring together women who travel. To share experiences, create a secure space to ask questions from a network of fellow travellers and read interesting articles and top tips.

At SheTravel we know that all questions are important and sometimes simple advice may prevent situations becoming serious. Sometimes it’s easier to ask certain questions to peers who may have had similar concerns or experiences – good or bad. SheTravel also understands that some topics require a confidential environment and that risk appetite differs for each traveller.

SheTravel has created a women only network for modern business travel, allowing it’s members to share information to aid safe travel wherever your destination may be.

Why SheTravel

With an increase in the number of women travelling, it is important to not forget that the risk and threat landscape has also become more complex. It may take only a 6-hour flight to reacha  completely different culture and environment, where rules and social norms differ from our home country. That is why SheTravel brings together a community of women to share information and experiences to aid safe travel. Sometimes a little knowledge can make a big difference – knowing the risks is the first step to safety. So, the SheTravel concept is simple; to provide safety in the form of accessible information from our exclusive network of female travellers.

Safe travels,

SheTravel Team

  • Elizabeth Courage posted an update 4 months ago

    Hi members, we hope that you have been well. We wished to ask you – if you are currently planning on any travel or having to travel for work, do you have any extra concerns? Would there be any topics you would be interested in discussing or receiving information about?

  • Victoria posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago

    Will be going to the French Embassy in London on the 8th of March to obtain a 6 month visa to travel around Europe with France being the main port of call.

  • Victoria posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago

    Planning my European road trip in a fully electric car. If you’re interested in travel photographs, please visit @ladynajagirl on Instagram. I’ll be posting updates on here as well.

  • Hi members, we hope that you have been well. We wished to ask you – if you are currently planning on any travel or having to travel for work, do you have any extra concerns? Would there be any topics you would be interested in discussing or receiving information about?

    • I am certainly apprehensive about returning to my usual business travel when restrictions begin to loosen, as during the last year I often found myself alone in the train carriage or metro. I would be interested in discussions on how to navigate these types of situations.
      • I have booked my EuroTunnel crossing for the 24th of May. I am hoping to embark on my European road trip in my car from May until about November.
        I will of course be…

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          • Thanks Victoria, and a brilliant article. We really enjoyed reading about your plans and look forward to your next article!
              • Thank you – more information to follow soon. I am likely to be deployed as part of the NHS vaccination programme shortly (waiting for my borough to confirm) but will keep everyone posted!
            • I was just in Cape Town for a few weeks. The situation is very good and you feel very safe. Due to the Covid mutations, there were further restrictions for the return…

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                • Thank you everyone for your comments and sharing your experience. Thanks Corinna also for the information and your kind offer for more information should anyone be interested.
              • Victoria posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago

                Awaiting further advice concerning overseas travel in January 2021

              • I currently live in a tier 1 area but have travelled to a tier 2 area. I haven’t used public transport since March and at the moment I am relying on getting around either by (electric) car or walking. Driving is a relaxing experience for me as anxiety kicks in when I am around a lot of people. So far I have travelled to Cornwall ) and stayed over…[Read more]

                • Hi Victoria, thank you very much for sharing your experience. Completely understandable you are still considering your options as the situation remains fluid. Keep an eye on it and we look forward to reading about your future adventures, wherever they may be.
                • Hi everyone. I was in Edinburgh in September before the further restrictions came in. My trip went well and was relatively easy. I made sure to do some research around the safety measures the hotel had implemented and booked all exhibitions and restaurants in advance. Face covering was mandatory everywhere inside and social distancing rules…[Read more]

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